Central Office Delegates Meeting
2nd Tuesday of the Month at 7:30PM
Meeting ID: 812 5236 9897
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,81252369897# US
Central Office Party Committee Meeting
May 18, 2023
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 825 1613 6372
One tap mobile
4th Tuesday of the Month
6:15 pm orientation 7:00 pm business meeting.
H&I will meet in person at:
The 4th Tuesday of every month. NO MEETING IN DECEMBER
Orientation at 6:15pm
Business meeting at 7:00pm
Contact: Mark Woods (650) 430-2803 markwoods@gmail.com
2nd Tuesday of the Month 6:15PM
Meeting ID: 841 7877 3337
One tap mobile
2nd Sunday of the month, 7pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85842596364
Meeting ID: 858 4259 6364
Bridging the Gap
2nd Tuesday of the Month, 7:00PM
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5635549920?pwd=WU1iam83dFYvYkJZZHhPZ05kcHFGZz09 Passcode: 54321
Meeting ID: ID: 563 554 9920; Dial in: 1-669-900-9128,,5635549920
General Service
3rd Tuesday of the Month, 7:00PM Orientation/Concept study, 7:30PM Business Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85704213338?pwd=L0tPVjFmSDJwK2IvWVdURU9DcTdidz09
Meeting ID: 857 0421 3338 Passcode: 0571 One tap mobile+16699006833,,85704213338#,,,,*0571# US (San Jose)
2nd and 4th Sunday at 5:30PM
Congregational Church
225 Tilton Ave
San Mateo