The purpose of this page is to show the San Mateo County fellowship the service opportunities that are available for the service committees!
Central Office:
Central Office has volunteers answer the phones, help the members who need literature, fold cards, schedules, etc. Knowledge of computers (excel, word, and QB). You need 1 year sobriety and working knowledge of the steps. We have 4 hour shifts available either from 8:30-12:30 or 12:30-4:30. If interested please call (650)577-1310.
Central Office Delegate:
Each AA group can elect a Delegate to represent the Group at all the regular and special meetings of the membership. The regular meetings are the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30PM on Zoom. It is suggested that the Delegate from each meeting should have 1 year or more of continuous sobriety.
Two thirds of the people who enter the rooms of AA are encouraged to do so from non-AA individuals. Properly informing the general public and professionals that come in contact with the alcoholic of what AA does and does not do is an integral part of carrying the message. It is important we remember that while AA is an anonymous society it is not a secret society. Opportunities vary from staffing an AA information table at events (6 months sobriety) to presenting at High Schools, Colleges and professional organizations (2 years sobriety). The committee meets on the second Tuesday at 6:15PM on Zoom. If you are interested in participating or have suggestions on where AA can be of service the committee can be reached at or contact Susan C. at (650)515-0950.
Teleservice volunteers answer the San Mateo Central Office phone lines when they are closed. Volunteer requirements are 1 year of sobriety, a working phone and a good knowledge of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions. . We have front and back line shifts available. The function of the back line volunteer is to make sure the phone line is transferred to the correct person and to support the front line if a call runs long. Shifts are assigned in 4-hour periods once a month. If you’ve had a Teleservice shift and would like to be more involved with Teleservice please reach out as we will be looking for 7 new daily coordinators to start April 2021. Teleservice volunteers use a 12 step list for San Mateo county. If you’d like to be included on it Please contact Michelle at (650)303-1208 or Central Office (650)577-1310 for more information.
Bridging the Gap:
BTG monthly business meeting is held on the 2nd Tuesday 7:00-7:30PM, and chaired by Charlie Bolton, Panel
71, (415)722-7253
Our program is to implement phone reach-out to pending releases who request it, from detox, treatment centers, facilities in San Mateo Co. (District 5) during periods of Covid19 isolation/quarantine, allowing an assigned BTG volunteer to introduce and guide them to on-line meetings, has been initiated by Palm Ave and Kaiser. We continue to discuss the reintroduction of weekly BTG presentations on-line w/ both of these facilities. Additional effort is being spent on gathering new volunteers for the meet-ups with new releases and volunteers to do presentations.
Sunshine Club:
Sunshine Group is not active right now.
Hospitals & Institutions
We are volunteers that bring meetings into Hospitals and Institutions, to people that can’t get out to meetings. The requirements are either 6 months of recovery or 5 years depending on the institution. Some facilities are having virtual meetings ie. San Mateo General Hospital psychiatric ward. There are openings for both kind of facilities so contact Dylan Hosking 650-281-5440 for more information.
Anniversary Party
Please call Colleen G at (510)334-7894 if you would like to volunteer and have some fun putting the Central Office Party together.
General Service
The groups of San Mateo County are connected to A.A. as a whole through the chain of communication via General Service Representatives (GSRs) and other trusted servants of San Mateo County General Service District 05.
GSRs bring information to their groups in order that they can reach an informed group conscience regarding decisions concerning to A.A., such as publication of literature and public information resources, helping new groups get started, publishing an international magazine, and carrying the message in other languages into other countries. In passing along this group conscience, GSRs help to maintain the unity and strength so vital to our fellowship.
On the third Tuesday of every month, District 05 meets via Zoom to discuss business pertinent to San Mateo County, Area 06, and A.A. as a whole.
The orientation for new GSRs and a study of the Twelve Concepts for World Service occur concurrently 7:00-7:30, and District 05 business meeting is 7:30-9:30. Access information is below:
Meeting ID: 884 8540 6474
Passcode: 443303 If your group does not have a GSR, please encourage them to elect one so that your group has a voice in decisions concerning A.A. Please contact the District Chair Jonathan Leano. at ( (206)-200-8385) for more information.